Clothes Hanger Packaging - Photos depicting appropriate clothing (unisex) for each style of hanger help draw the consumer to the product for a closer look. The clean, bright white cardstock and descriptive name add to its interest.
Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs - In a market suffering from the overuse of green, this high-tech approach stands out.
Cabin Fever Videos - Logo and video jacket design for US Tobacco's entry into the home entertainment market. Sophisticated logo treatment sits atop an elogated photographic frame surrounded by rich, black cardstock which eludes to a theatric atmosphere.
Office Partners Filing Cabinets - XLM, a steel corporation, introduced a line of affordable home office cabinets and needed a logo and packaging. The Office Partners logo uses a familiar office image to "clip" the words together, while the blueprint package combines the precision of construction with feature call-outs.
Pet Item Label - Simple adhesive label designed for a line of pet care products
Kitty Litter Scoop - Simple yet bold adhesive label designed for pet care aisle. Hang tag adds whimsey to an otherwise strictly utilitarian feature.
Household Items Packaging
Deanna Fredericks
Package Designer South Plainfield, NJ