Despite not being copy heavy, I was intimately involved in the creation of the Project Connect vision map. Working with the transit planners as well as the designers to create a visually stunning, but effective transit map, our goal was to highlight what a system (with multiple transit options) would like like. Every line, station and aspect of this was dissected, debated and discussed before appearing on this final version.
In order to work with the community to promote the Project Connect initiative, these ads were created to help solicit feedback from the community and up participation in open houses and other public meetings.
Project Connect: North Corridor is one of the plans under the Project Connect umbrella. Given the growth in North Austin and Williamson County, this plan is going to be key to keeping Austin moving.

Additionally, it won the 2014 American Public Transportation Association (APTA) AdWheel Grand Prize for Social Media Viral Video.
One of the most ambitious and contentious aspects of the Project Connect system plan was the proposed urban rail line.

The animation for this ad was created externally, however the copy was produced entirely in-house by me, with feedback provided by the planning team.
Though this proposal was the centerpiece of the Central Corridor plan that ultimately failed at the ballot box, I’m still proud of the work that was done to try to bring solutions to Austin’s traffic problems.
Enter Your This is the extended cut of the urban rail ad. Though the plan ultimately failed at the ballot box, the work we did on this campaign is still something I’m proud of.

I generated the copy that ultimately was utilized for this spot.
One of my first big projects for the Project Connect initiative. I had fun with this as we worked to get visibility for the project and showcase how it could provide a range of solutions for the community.

The copy written for this ad, while lighthearted, also highlights the seriousness of the traffic issues facing Austin and Central Texas.
Project Connect

As the communications lead for the Project Connect initiative, my responsibilities included copywriting, website management and development, content creation, responding to media inquiries, management of social media channels, and more.

During my tenure at Capital Metro (2013-2015), I had the honor of writing every single word that appeared on

Additionally, we created ads, public service announcements, videos, and more.

Below is a description of Project Connect:

"Project Connect is the vision for Central Texas' high-capacity transit system. Linking activity centers within the fastest growing region in the country, Project Connect aims to connect people, places and opportunities in an easy, efficient way. Our vision unites efforts to develop the best solutions for getting around Central Texas and addressing our growth challenges."

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John F. Julitz
Austin, TX