Working on the MetroRapid project was a creative windfall. As the first new Capital Metro service since MetroRail began, it afforded us the opportunity to try new things. The tagline “Connecting the Best of the ATX” became a calling card for MetroRapid. Using that, plus a partnership with Lucy’s helped produce this ad. Created in conjunction with the marketing department, this ad (though light on copy) really captures what we were going for with our Lucy’s arrangement.
This ad was created in an effort to show off the new MetroRapid vehicle/service that would be launching in January, 2014. Rather than just show off the new routes or have maps of the station locations, we opted to give people the chance to actually board a vehicle, talk to the planners and see the service for themselves. Simple, yet effective, this ad touted the benefits the new service would feature at launch.
Capital Metro has done a great job of embracing of embracing multi-modal transit options. One of the best options has been the MetroBike shelters. These facilities, located at MetroRail and Park & Ride stations, allow passengers the option to commute to a station, securely store their bike & ride continue on to their final destination. This ad was created for the opening of six new locations.
This might be the most fun I had on a ad. Though it has virtually no copy or voiceover, this was our effort to promote Capital Metro’s free rides for New Years Eve.

What made it so much fun, aside from coming up with the concept, was being able to cast the actor. My son Jack got to play Baby New Year (and “drive” the bus at the same time). And although they say to not work with kids or animals, Jack was a great sport for the time we needed to shoot this.
Sometimes the best ideas come from the strangest places. This ad was born out of the discussion over the word "selfie" being chosen as the word of the year by the Oxford English Dictionary.

When trying to think of ways to promote the new Cap Metro mobile app, we wanted to combine selfie with a way to tease that your smartphone was good for more than selfies. And thus, this campaign was born.
Wanting to tout the benefits of Capital Metro's newest service, MetroRapid, we wanted to showcase how the service would be modern, sleek, technologically advanced and a legitimate alternative to driving your own vehicle.
A promo created for a partnership with Lucy's.
This campaign, which we dubbed "Don't be a bushole" didn't run particularly long. But it was fun while it lasted.
Capital Metro

Working for Austin's public transportation provider, I was involved in everything from copy writing to video editing to event planning to media relations and more.

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John F. Julitz
Austin, TX