McCracker / Fidelinka AD - Two page spread print ad.
Epson / BS Procesor - COPY: Personal Epson laser printer. Unconditioned fidelity and pleasure.
Epson / BS Procesor - COPY: Personal Epson laser printer EPL-5900L. Quick and simple as a child play.
Feel fine / Drenik - Feel fine panty-liners print ad.
Maxtor / BS Procesor - COPY: Backup. Your personal data is always with you. You keep your business data on a safe place so your work is more efficient and quicker. Maxtor drives are ideal choice when you need reliable data storage. Because you always know that your data is safe and close to you.
AquaTech - Water purification for households. COPY: What kind of water do you think that you drink?
Chrysler Balkans - Cross-brand advertising.
End Poverty
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Danijel Ilic
Art Direction & Graphic Design Ardsley, NY