AMAZON ERGONOMIC DESK - This is a special desk designed by George Philot with a special art design made by me. The amazon is a desk facing people with disabilities, with many ergonomic adjustments. At the Photos, is exposed at SENAI SP Design, in São Paulo.
AMAZON ERGONOMIC DESK - This is a special desk designed by George Philot with a special art design made by me. The amazon is a desk facing people with disabilities, with many ergonomic adjustments. At the Photos, is exposed at SENAI SP Design, in São Paulo.
AMAZON ERGONOMIC DESK - This is a special desk designed by George Philot with a special art design made by me. The amazon is a desk facing people with disabilities, with many ergonomic adjustments. At the Photos, is exposed at SENAI SP Design, in São Paulo.
AMAZON ERGONOMIC DESK - This is a special desk designed by George Philot with a special art design made by me. The amazon is a desk facing people with disabilities, with many ergonomic adjustments. At the Photos, is exposed at SENAI SP Design, in São Paulo.
HOBBY DESK - Hobby desk is an inovation for disabled people. With an easy mount and unmount and the exclusive elbow support, Hobby weighs less than 6 kg. At the photos, is exposed at REHACARE 2010, in Dusseldorf, Germany.
HOBBY DESK - Hobby desk is an inovation for disabled people. With an easy mount and unmount and the exclusive elbow support, Hobby weighs less than 6 kg. At the photos, is exposed at REHACARE 2010, in Dusseldorf, Germany. The design of it had my contribution, in the shape of the board and the functionality.
Works at Dumont Research and Development
Daniel Borges
Daniel Borges Studio São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil