Normal Human - Logo for the retail screen printing shop I co-own and operate.
WWMB Business Cards - Business cards done for the local networking group Women Who Mean Business. The logo concept was also mine.
DASN Logo - Logo for Disabilities Advocacy and Support Network. The client wanted to focus on the networking aspect (not disabilities). They wanted something abstract that would serve as a strong brand mark. For the mark, I wanted to do something kind of tech-y, so I used the Braille pattern for the letter N (of Network), thus achieving the correct look while very subtly incorporating an aspect of disabilities.
RockDeeds Productions logo - Logo for a short film production company.
Winslow Health Foods Logo - Started with the brand mark, using an organic shape as the base and cutting out negative space implying a leaf that is inspired by the "W" of Winslow. Centered the text and used all capital letters to create a balanced feel. Chose an earthy green and blue for the colors to drive home the organic nature of the product.
Logos and Business Cards