Dualit Recycling Unit - This was the final project that I did in my first year and this was a group project I was involved in both the CAD and the Model Making but was manly involved in the model making. The concept of this design was that any home waste could pass though thing machine reducing it in size it was design for recycling rubbish and to be fun at the same time.
Zapato Shoe - This is the first project the I undertook this year the shoe is designed to combat foot odder. This is do by the inner sock been able to be removed from the shoe to be washed. The sock is both waterproof and worm.
Zapato Shoe - This is the second presentation board in my Zapato shoe project the project ran over nine weeks. The shoe is very flexible and can be worm with or without the sock.
Mole - This is a project that was undertaken in the first year. I had to re-design the black and Decker palm sander. This design is ergonomically friendly and use a flexi drive shaft so the motor can attach to your belt this means that the hand unit is light so allowing you to use it for longer.
Lego F1 Car - This was a project that I undertook in the first year of my degree the aim of to project was to get to now SolidWorks. The car is made up of around 30 paces and I had to construct each part and then assemble it.
Daniel Hodgson
Huddersfeild, United Kingdom