Looking for a Great Deal on a New Home - Double page ad designed to entice new home buyers wanting to purchase, but afraid of a "market correction". Part of a series of ads targeting consumers who want to live in their investment.
It's not as Scary as you Think
Quality Time - Double truck ad designed to entice new home buyers into purchasing a lifestyle as well as an excellent investment.
Open the Door to More - Full color, half page newspaper ad designed to entice new home buyers to purchase a new home (with luxurious finishes) as well as a neighborhood lifestyle.
Gain a Fresh Perspective on Life - Full page magazine ad designed to show the cleanness of living in a new home with advanced air filtration as well as a neighborhood and outdoor lifestyle.
Invest in Luxurious Sustainability - Full color ad designed for Sustainable Living magazine. This was part of a "Live in your investment" campaign, with a green, energy saving message.
Simplify Your Life - Full page magazine ad designed to promote maintenance-free (exteriors maintained by HOA) lifestyle with luxurios amenities.
Spring into a New Legend Home - Half page full color ad designed to promote healthy air and clean living in a new home. Successful campaign brought in many qualified buyers interested in a new home.