Caithness Trade Stand - The stand is 10m x 6m with a working height of 3m. The idea behind the stand was to give Caithness Glass a new brand image that was youthful and up to date.
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Caithness Trade Stand Part 2 - Inspiration for the design came from Andy Goldsworthy's ice sculptures creating a dramatic overall look from a distance; but as you are on the stand to disappear into the background.
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Knossos and the Minoan Civilisation Exhibition - A museum exhibition based in the Herakleion Museum in Crete, based on the Knossos Palace and the Minoan people who inhabited the palace.
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Knossos and the Minoan Civilisation Part 2 - A walk through the exhibition. The layout of the exhibition space was based around the geometry of the Minoan architecture, with the displays themselves being influenced by the pottery created by the Minaon people . Using concave and convex shapes to welcome the visitior and to send them to the next display.
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Levisham and Lockton Heritage Project - A live 2nd year project undertaken by 7 out of the year. We were tasked with coming up with a movable exhibition within the back of a car; that would explain the mystery behind a church in the valley between the 2 villages, with a budget of £300.
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Portfolio from University
Daniel Ashmore
Business Development Project Controller at Clip Exhibition and Display Cardiff, United Kingdom