The Reaper (2009)
Youth (2011)
The Professor (2013)
Broadway (2009)
Marsyas (2006)
Luke 22:36 (2009)
Personal Work

Sometimes being a designer can feel like having a song stuck in your head and the only way to rid yourself of your lyrical mind-loop is to actually listen to the song that is plaguing your every thought.

Design, in my opinion, is very similar, especially when you have an interesting idea for a piece that won't necessarily fit into any professional design solutions you may be working on. So sometimes the only way to get it to stop driving you nuts is to go ahead and create it anyway.

These are a few samples of pieces that I have done just for me. Just for fun. Because I wanted to. Enjoy!

Daniel Pheilshifter
Freelance Graphic Designer/Digital Illustrator Rochester, NY