iJulian: The Softer Side - Promo wallpaper created for ijulian.com. Primarily created in Adobe Photoshop with typesetting done in Adobe Illustrator.
iJulian: Transformers Redux - Promo wallpaper created for ijulian.com. Car parts were applied to a picture of Julian, then desaturated and enhanced. All of the photo-manipulation work was done in Adobe Photoshop, typesetting was done in Adobe Illustrator.
iJulian: Meteroid - Promo wallpaper created for ijulian.com. 3D letter work was done in Adobe Illustrator. Fireball and atmosphere was created in Adobe Photoshop.
iJulian: The Spirit - Promo wallpaper created for ijulian.com. 3D text set up in Adobe Illustrator, photo-manipulation and effects applied in Adobe Photoshop.
iJulian: Green Grass - Mock-up for a new website header for ijulian.com. Created entirely in Adobe Photoshop.
Julian - Wallpaper created for ijulian.com blogmaster. Vector work done in Adobe Illustrator, photo effects created in Adobe Photoshop.
iJulian Wallpapers
Jennifer Dunlap
Graphic Designer Calgary, AB