Bloomfest Poster
Coupon Loyalty Program-CO
Fait Mag Back Cover
HTC Almanac Cover
Recipe Cards
OTTE Brochure
CSI Trifold
CSI Trifold
Strong Woman
Office Collateral-D
Invitation Crave Party
Crave Pink & Black
In the News-Crave Party Ad
Power of Women Crave Party Ad
Crave Party Info Flyer
RTM Banner Flag
Community Flyer
AS Logo
Kosher Logo
College Typography Project
Metamorphosis Banner Ad
College Project for Native American Literature Class
Art w/o Borders LOGO
On The Edge Ministries Office Collateral
Unite PSA Poster
New speak Sigage-STMB
See Through Political Censorship Poster-RBTL
See through the War on Terror-RBTL
Amanda Khalil
Graphic Designer/Journalist/Photographer Westland, MI