Logo commissioned for boxer "Dynamite" James Danielson
Cover commissioned for Rewrites, a published write-up of a conference held at Leeds Metropolitan University
An avatar created for YouTuber Culprit15 (youtube.com/user/CuLpRiT15)
Winning poster created for a competition held by West Yorkshire Police on anti-social behaviour
A further poster designed for West Yorkshire Police, commissioned after winning the previous competition
Facebook cover photo for a local music event promoter, which displayed a summary of all their upcoming events that year
Poster design for a music event held by Soulmare Promotions
Poster design for a the second part of the same event
Poster created for Fern Pullan in her campaign to become Leeds Metropolitan University Student Union president
A more detailed flyer version of the same poster for the campaign.
Miscellaneous Creations

A collection of uncategorised projects

Phil Smalley
Graphic Designer, YouTuber, Promoter and DJ! Leeds, United Kingdom