These maps are from a new world that I created. The world is divided into many layers, but here three are shown. The land was generated using ProFantasy's Fractal Terrain and exported to GIMP to add in additional effects. The bottom layer is mostly untouched, but the seabed is shown because one of the choices for player characters live underwater. The second map shows the main continents that float in the sky and smaller islands that float in a layer above that. The main sea layer was removed and clouds were added using noise diffusion. The sea below and be barely seen below the islands. The players could go deep underground as well, but there is no map listed for that.
These two maps are part of the same dungeon. In the second map the player fought through rooms of goblins to a small treasure hoard in the back. As the players fought more and more, the remaining goblins gathered together to make the next fights more difficult. The second half of the dungeon the goblins accidently dug into and contained undead that protected a prophetic Spectator. The undead were hostile, but stayed to guard the rooms they were in and did not travel beyond them. The Spectator was not hostile, but would begin to attack should the players damage it.
This is a map I created for players to protect a small farming area from goblin attacks. The goblins came in waves and the players had to work with the workers to keep the farm from being destroyed. The players would earn a higher reward if there was less damage done to the farm and to the workers.
This is from a Sci-fi game that I ran with my players. They had to infiltrate this facility in order to escape the compound where their ship was being held. The players could either sneak in or fight their way through as enemies would pour in from various rooms if they were spotted. Enemies were basically just thugs with guns and a few loader mechs.
This was the basement of a temple the players came across. It had been abandoned for some time and due to the powerful energies left there, eventually became a focal point for powerful extra planer creatures. Said creatures used it as a prison for their slaves. Enemies included a boss-like aberration, low-level devils, a minotaur, and enslaved humanoids. The slaves would be hostile if the aberration found out about the party too soon, or could be freed if they could get to that location without letting the aberration know. They could also kill the aberration and free the slaves after.
This is a cave where some naga scouts were captured by some aggressive kobolds. The Kobolds would kill the scouts if a larger force made their way into the caves, so the players were tasked with finding a way to release the scouts as a smaller force would have been able to approach without being noticed much easier. The player could rely on stealth to an extent, but the number and position of the kobolds meant that combat would happen.
D&D campaigns

These are various maps that I have created for campaigns that I have run. Most of these were created for D&D campaigns and all the worlds are worlds I have homebrewed.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Corey Heward
Game Designer Maple Valley, WA