Shoe Jhunkie logo design for new start up.

Voltz-Auto Sports - 3d logo design for auto sports dealer

Logo for new producer on the scene

V.I.P. College Preparatory Program - V.I.P. College Preparatory Program 3d logo design.

Digital Soul 3d logo

Talented Young Folks

Logo design for nonprofit.

Fraternal New logo for clothing line.

Updated GFC logo

Girl friends closet boutique - 3d logo for boutique company

Planned 2 perfection - 3d logo design for an event company

Planned 2 perfection - 3d logo design for an event company

Plaaned 2 perfection - 3d logo design for an event company

Safe & sound child services - 3d logo design for a child service organization.

www.voiceofralph.com - Voice over specialist is starting a website this is his 3d logo design he requested, this client does voice over for the Washington Redskins and Wizards.

www.voiceofralph.com - Voice over specialist is starting a website this is his 3d logo design he requested, this client does voice over for the Washington Redskins and Wizards.

www.voiceofralph.com - Voice over specialist is starting a website this is his 3d logo design he requested, this client does voice over for the Washington Redskins and Wizards.

3d logo for female DJ - 3d logo for female DJ.

Prime Misses Ent. - 3d logo design for a Entertainment company.

My HBCU - 3d logo design for upcoming website.

My Girlfriends Closet Boutique - Header for MGCB

My Girlfriends Closet Boutique - 3d header and logo designer.

Voice over specialist is starting a website this is his 3d logo design he requested, this client does voice over for the Washington Redskins and Wizards.