Pretty Kitty - A great shot of My cat being pampered like she should
Images From NY - interesting images captured from a day of shooting in Manhattan
Images From NY - interesting images captured from a day of shooting in Manhattan
Fishing Heron - A beautiful shot of this Heron fishing on a late summer afternoon
Images From NY - interesting images captured from a day of shooting in Manhattan
Images From NY - interesting images captured from a day of shooting in Manhattan
Images From NY - interesting images captured from a day of shooting in Manhattan
New York City - More images from around the city
New York City - More images from around the city
New York City - More images from around the city
Images From NY - interesting images captured from a day of shooting in Manhattan
New York City - More images from around the city
New York City - More images from around the city
New York City - More images from around the city
New York City - More images from around the city
New York City Sky line
San Diego - A beautiful February afternoon at seal beach in San Diego CA
San Diego - A beautiful February afternoon at seal beach in San Diego CA
San Diego - A beautiful February afternoon at seal beach in San Diego CA
San Diego - A beautiful February afternoon at seal beach in San Diego CA
San Diego - A beautiful February afternoon at seal beach in San Diego CA
San Diego - A beautiful February afternoon at seal beach in San Diego CA
San Diego - A beautiful February afternoon at seal beach in San Diego CA
San Diego seal beach - The seals take over causing a confrontation between the beach goers and seals!
New York City - A couple more images from NY
New York City - A couple more images from NY
Jeff Mueller
Owner ComputerArtMan Studios Canton, OH