scp2 - scp2 made using Isopatt3d technique its a table
scp1 - Isopatt3d. technique used in design this its a table
evojw3 - Open For Freelance Isopatt3d. technique used in design this
evojw2 - Open For Freelance Isopatt3d. technique used in design this
evojw1 - Isopatt3d. technique used in design this
ISO PATTERN 3D - ISO PATTERN 3D furniture Table & shelf or sculpture
ISO PATTERN 3D - ISO PATTERN 3D furniture Table & shelf
Executive Table - Executive Table with glass top and same goes with the back table CLCMarketing Venture
Executive Table - Executive Table with glass top and same goes with the back table CLCMarketing Venture
Executive Table - Executive Table with glass top and same goes with the back table CLCMarketing Venture
custom center bench CLCMarketing Venture
the concept Proposal to sutherland - the concept Proposal to sutherland CLCMarketing Venture
CLCMarketing Venture custom desk
Custom desk CLCMarketing Venture
Gang Chair 3d model CLCMarketing Venture
CLCMarketing Venture work station
CLCMarketing Venture interior layout
L shape sofa - L shape sofa 3d max renderedMTO for Manila Doctors Hospital Lounge CLCMarketing Venture
AGAV Drone
AGAV Drone
Synerduino boat
Synerduino boat
Synerduino boat
3d design Modeling

3d Modeling portfolio.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Clifford Co
Industrial Design , 3d Modeler & Drone Designer Manila, Philippines