Design Problem: Icing Piping bags keep splitting Icing nozzles get lost Icing Piping bags can become quite hard to hold when full of icing
Initial ideas: These ideas are based upon the motion of squeezing the icing out of the icing piping container.
Design Inspiration
Design Inspiration
Diagram showing how this product will work.
Prototype assembly
A report on re-designing the icing piping bag
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This is my original presentation board intended to show the function and aesthetics of my icing pump design. This project is not endorsed by Dr Oetker, the brand just seemed to fit in the design of the board and function of the product.
Icing Pump

We were tasked with designing a kitchen product that could move or shake. I chose to redesign the utensils of an icing piping bag set due to the bags splitting easily and nozzles getting lost.

Claire Cox
Product Design Student at Bournemouth University Bournemouth, United Kingdom