Poster: seri mengapa? (Part I) - I use questions about Astronomy which children always ask and they don't know the answer. I want to attract the children to find the answer in Bosscha Observatory and they can get to know the observatory then love it so they can protect and take care of Bosscha Observatory.
Poster: seri bagaimana? (Part II) - In Part II, I still use questions about Astronomy which children always ask and they don't know the answer. But I use the questions which are more complicated than before and they can't find the answer on their handbook at school. I want to attract the children to find the answer in Bosscha Observatory and they can get to know the observatory then love it so they can protect and take care of Bosscha Observatory.
Billboard: seri mengapa?
Billboard: seri bagaimana?
Booklet (cover) - This is an interactive booklet for children. Children can get to know more about Astronomy & Bosscha.
Booklet (01-04) - This is an interactive booklet for children. Children can get to know more about Astronomy & Bosscha.
Booklet (05-08) - This is an interactive booklet for children. Children can get to know more about Astronomy & Bosscha.
Booklet (11-12) - This is an interactive booklet for children. Children can get to know more about Astronomy & Bosscha.
Booklet (09-10 & 13-14) - This is an interactive booklet for children. Children can get to know more about Astronomy & Bosscha.
Booklet (15-18) - This is an interactive booklet for children. Children can get to know more about Astronomy & Bosscha.
Event Poster - I want to persuade children to visit this event. They can get to know more about Astronomy and play in this event. All games are related with Astronomy. The location will be decorated with anything related with Astronomy, such as planetarium, rocket, Moon surface, star, etc.
Event Billboard - I want to persuade children to visit this event. They can get to know more about Astronomy and play in this event. All games are related with Astronomy. The location will be decorated with anything related with Astronomy, such as planetarium, rocket, Moon surface, star, etc.
Bosscha Observatory Campaign