These are some examples of Strategic Master plans that I have either designed and created visuals for. Image 1 is a Strategic scale Master Plan produced for discussions with Epping Parish Council.
This Master Plans aim is to clarify the net developable area and existing/proposed features. This drawing will be used for a LDF promotion application for the extension of North Weald. This layout was designed in Auto-Cad and then transferred into M-Colour for final visuals.
These are some examples of Strategic Master plans that I have either designed and created visuals for. Image 1 is a Strategic scale Master Plan produced for discussions with Epping Parish Council.
This Master Plans aim is to clarify the net developable area and existing/proposed features. This drawing will be used for a LDF promotion application for the extension of North Weald. This layout was designed in Auto-Cad and then transferred into M-Colour for final visuals.