Bitterman's Beer Box - This ficticious microbrewery titled "Bitterman's Beer" is a humorous appeal to a masculine audience. The wingnut screw-off lids are highly functional and would definitely stand out on the shelf. Each label is represented by a different craftsman tool and provocative title. The Screw is Screwed Brew, The Saw is Hacked Stout, The Drill is Drilled Porter and The Hammer is Hammered Ale.
Herman Miller: RESOLVE - This new office furniture from Herman Miller inspired me to create a promotional brochure for the ergonomic RESOLVE system. The interactivity of the book educates the reader on how the product fits together on a physical and intellectual level. I started by designing a book that flips alternately from the right and left sides, then placed the interlocking pieces of the system on several different acetate pages that layered on top of one another to form the complete RESOLVE system.
Deep Breath Aromatherapy - This is a line of aromatherapy bath products I designed as an extension of the REAL SIMPLE magazine brand. I sewed the fabric sachettes to fit on the lids and serve as a pouch for sprinking some of the contents of the bottle into. You then cinch it shut and simply drop it into a steaming hot bath for a relaxing aromatic soak. The names I chose for the healing effects of each individual herb or flower. Lavender = Deep Breath, Rose petals = Take Flight and Chamomile = No Worries.
Chinese Checkers
Listening Lounge - I titled this comfortable chair The Listening Lounge. Inspired by the Streamline Era if you look at the chair from an arial view, it is a teardrop shape or the form with least resistance. It has a surround sound stereo mounted into its walls to produce a listening experience similar to wearing head phones but without the headphones.