Villa Philmonte Museum Exhibits

The Villa Philmonte needed to replace outdated exhibits in it’s gallery. They had no budget to hire a professional designer so I volunteered to help. I worked as a partner with Villa Curator Rory Crofton to complete the task. Rory was responsible for writing and research. I was responsible for nearly everything else.

1. I measured all spaces to accurately determine the size of each foam board panel I was designing.

2. I redesigned the logo of the Waite Phillips Oil Company from scratch in Adobe Illustrator as the company was sold in 1925.

3. I went through the Villa archives and by hand individually scanned over 75 family photos and touched them up in Photoshop

4. I created patterns and backgrounds in Illustrator

5. I combined all text, images and backgrounds in a single document in InDesign. All panels had a 0.5” bleed, paragraph and object styles. After 5 weeks* of work, 19 panels had been completed and were ready to print.

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Christopher Snyder
Graphic Design, Web Design & Art Aurora, IL