CreditXpert Web Design - Channel approach web design for the new CreditXpert website. This was to be developed using the DotNetNuke content management system.

Eastern Elite Allstars - Website - What Made This Design Special:
This web design was part of an integrated campaign which included Web, Print, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. There was no budget for this startup company, so every was done pro bono. I came up with the idea of "Be a Part of Something Special." What was special? To me, the coaches and the girls were what was special and an important part of the buying decision for parents. They were what I felt would draw attention and bring in new members.

Eastern Elite Allstars - Landing Page - What Made This Design Special:
Landing page design which, based off a YouTube marketing campaign I came up with. The client didn't have ANY money for extravagant commercials, so everything was centered around Social Media and driving traffic to the website.
I shot all the video and created all the questions which allowed the prospective parents and girls to hear first hand "Just What Makes Eastern Elite Special" helped them obtain a 35% growth the first year and 45% growth the second year.