Hand drawings based on photos of real dancers were then painted and converted into vector line art for laser-engraving using Adobe Illustrator.
A collection of Laser-Etched Nutcracker Ballet Ornaments in soft snow.
Gold-plated brass ornaments based on my designs.
A Bouquet/Gift tag around a bouquet of flowers - a popular performance gift. Lower edge can be engraved with custom text.
Product Development - Ballet Gift Shop

Design and small-scale manufacturing of Nutcracker Ballet character themed gift products. These high-quality Made in USA gifts have been collected by ballet dancers and their families since 2007. No other brand offers nearly as many ballet character representations. Hundreds of non-profit dance companies have resold these products for fundraising purposes.

Product development process involved field research, sketching, materials testing, vector line art preparation for laser-engraving, painting, refinement, and final production.

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Freelance, Moonlighting
Cheryl Moehlenbrock
Designer Centennial, CO