Under Armour/Ankle Defense - A Basketball shoe designed to prevent ankle injuries by allowing the foot to land flat even when unbalanced.
Why - Ankle injuries are the most common leg injury in Basketball.
Sure-Foot Design - Inspired by Mountain Goats and why they are so sure footed, my outsole design created a wider footprint at places where other shoes tend to roll.
Piece By Piece - From the outsole up, there are many added features to prevent ankle injuries, including a heel lock, and combination straps, allowing the shoe to be the brace as well.
Orthos and Sections - This page shows every angle of the outsole redesign.
Landing - The Ridges on the sides of the shoe, along with the wings, create a flex and push to help the foot land flat.
Profile - uh.. it looks badass
Back - Here you can really see the 'anti-roll' wings and how they extend from the shoe. But compared to other footprints they aren't much larger and won't be obtrusive.
Ankle Defense

The focus of this project is to redesign the basketball shoe from the outsole up with the focus on ankle support and injury prevention.
The design has straps that work from the inside of the shoe and wrap around the outside for a brace type hold.
There are also wings and ridges on the bottom of the shoe to help prevent the rolling of the ankle on awkward landings.

Chase Meyers
Industrial Designer Austin, TX