Children's Book - Cover - Pen, Photoshop The subject of Divorce often needs to be sensitively contextualized to the level of children, to explain things in a gentler manner. The task was to synthesize image with text.
Children's Book - Example page - Pen, Photoshop The fonts used needed to be simple and engaging, keeping legibility in mind.
Children's Book - Back Cover - Pen, Photoshop
"Conversational" Pattern - Found images, Photoshop A pattern can tell a story. Each unit, or symbol within a pattern interacts and form parts of the conversation between the image and its viewer.
Poster - Domestic Violence - Photoshop A poster designed to urge women who are the victims of domestic abuse to come forward and seek support.
Visiting Card - Found typography (magazines), Photoshop Only typography can be used to create texture, foreground and background or newer forms.
Poster - Biomimicry - An educational poster, designed for the concept of "Biomimicy", to be explained to the school going age group of 11-13. An example that draws parallels between nature and man was used.
Book Cover - Photoshop, paint, pen and paper.
Advertisement - This magazine advertisement was inspired by the Art Nouveau movement, and in particular by the artist Aubrey Beardsley.
Chandni Sahi
Bangalore, New Delhi, India