features Summon and Flow which are two products I have impacted through improved user experience, usability and design strategy. Flow is a new product that makes it easier to manage organize collections of articles, references and content important to users.
Redesign Project: Managed redesign of new product, called Intota, previously known as Client Center. This is the homepage of the previous version of library management service. Intota is a new service that integrates all the features and tools built on completely new platform, new design and user experience. Goal is to deliver libraries worldwide new, cutting edge services that are simple and easy to use in complex data-rich environments.
Client Center was riddled with large amounts of complex lists and interactions that made it very difficult to use.
Intota's has new login pages are simple and easy to access from desktop or tablet interfaces.
Intota, a new product, was created using my expertise in user-centered design throughout the process and team. This new product simplifies the complex nature of managing thousands of electronic resources and information for some of the world's largest libraries and special collections. Intota recently launched in June to astounding positive response at the American Library Association Annual Meeting in Las Vegas. New Home Page: Utilizing customer feedback, we created a home page that provides important content upfront and guides users to their primary tasks. Activities were added to personalize content and help users get important updates and data.
Intota's new list pages are now well well organized into searchable pages with relevant filters. Users can view deeper details by hovering on an item and previewing important details. Content is more relevant, discoverable and easier to navigate. Since product launch, analytic data shows these pages are used most frequently by customers; and user feedback about usability and value are very positive.
Intota's detail pages combined dozens of features, content and key actions into single, usable space. During design process, customers provided feedback and guidance to help refine final design. As product is used, analytic data is used to refine small details and drive value.
ProQuest Product UX Design

ProQuest offers dozens of products that provide solutions, content and applications for libraries and researchers world-wide.

Business Goals:
1. Design highly usable and efficient web application that replaces a very out-dated tool.
2. Drive design through user research and customer collaboration.
3. Meet accessibility and responsive web requirements for several products.
4. Apply new corporate branding standards.

1. Created efficient user flows for complex processes. Worked with customers throughout process to inform new flows.
2. Created wireframes, interactive prototypes and validated with usability feedback.
3. Created a visual design framework that complimented the implementation of branding and Bootstrap development platform.
4. Applied accessibility guidelines.
5. Collaborated with product management and development in agile process through launch.

1. Highly satisfied customers.
2. Met branding, accessibility and responsive needs

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Freelance, Full-time
Celeste M. Combs...
Award-winning Sr. UX Design, Research and Strategist! St. Petersburg, FL