Magnitude Magazine double page advertising featuring the Marques Soares fidely card, case-study, Edit, 2019
Magnitude Magazine double page advertising featuring the Marques Soares fidely card, case-study, Edit, 2019
Magnitude Magazine double page advertising featuring the Marques Soares fidely card, case-study, Edit, 2019
So that´s my biggest passion, books. Till this day (2016) i already worked with more than 50 writers. From independent editions, to small projects, and with a some collab´s with children´s books. So that´s where everything started, i think, in college. Between a group of friends that wanted to make the difference and creat a student magazine, by them for them. akademia magazine
Book Cover and content design for AKAI ITO NADA ACONTECE POR ACASO, Tânia Jorge 2016 Edita-me publisher
Book Cover and content design for AKAI ITO NADA ACONTECE POR ACASO, Tânia Jorge 2016 Edita-me publisher
So that´s my biggest passion, books. Till this day (2016) i already worked with more than 50 writers. From independent editions, to small projects, and with a some collab´s with children´s books.
So that´s my biggest passion, books. Till this day (2016) i already worked with more than 50 writers. From independent editions, to small projects, and with a some collab´s with children´s books. My first job as a editorial designer was in a small independent publisher Tecto de Nuvens.
So that´s my biggest passion, books. Till this day (2016) i already worked with more than 50 writers. From independent editions, to small projects, and with a some collab´s with children´s books. I work as a freelancer, with some publisher´s as Edita-me, Idioteque...
Cover and illustrations for the book É AQUI QUE ELA MORA, Sílvia Mota Lopes. 2015 Edita-me publisher
Cover and illustrations for the book É AQUI QUE ELA MORA, Sílvia Mota Lopes. 2015 Edita-me publisher
Cover and illustrations for the book É AQUI QUE ELA MORA, Sílvia Mota Lopes. 2015 Edita-me publisher
Cover and illustrations for the book É AQUI QUE ELA MORA, Sílvia Mota Lopes. 2015 Edita-me publisher
Cover and illustrations for the book É AQUI QUE ELA MORA, Sílvia Mota Lopes. 2015 Edita-me publisher
Cover and illustrations for the book É AQUI QUE ELA MORA, Sílvia Mota Lopes. 2015 Edita-me publisher
Cover and illustrations for the book É AQUI QUE ELA MORA, Sílvia Mota Lopes. 2015 Edita-me publisher
Book Cover and content design for SIMPATIA, Castello Branco 2016 Self-publishing
Book Cover and content design for SIMPATIA, Castello Branco 2016 Self-publishing
Book Cover and content design for ZEPHYRO, Marco Nascimento 2015 Edita-me publisher
Book Cover and content design for ALMA DE PÁSSARO, Albino Santos 2016 Edita-me publisher
Book Cover and content design for PARÊNTESIS RECTOS, Daniel Camacho 2014 Edita-me publisher
Book Cover and content design for LAÇOS DE LUAR E OUTRAS HISTÓRIAS, Teresa Brinco de Oliveira 2014 Edita-me publisher
Book Cover and content design for MAIS NOTÍCIAS DO PENSAMENTO DESCONEXO, João Habitualmente 2014 Edita-me publisher
Book Cover and content design for CONTRIBUTOS PARA A HISTÓRIA DA NATAÇÃO EM ESPINHO, Adriano Almeida 2016 Edita-me publisher
Book Cover and content design for FEITIÇOS, Graça Machado 2014 Edita-me publisher
Book Cover for TALENTOS OCULTOS - PROSA, VÁRIOS 2014 Ediserv publisher
Book Cover for TALENTOS OCULTOS - CONTOS, VÁRIOS 2014 Ediserv publisher
So that´s my biggest passion, books. Till this day (2016) i already worked with more than 50 writers. From independent editions, to small projects, and with a some collab´s with children´s books. For a half year i´ve worked in a news paper, i was invited to rebrand the layout and implement it in the first 6 mouths
Books, Magazine & News Paper
Carla Pinto
Art Director | Graphic Designer | Design Team Lead Porto, Portugal