The TV team collaborated with YouTube and YouTube TV to highlight this presale offer on Android / Google TV Featured Carousel to complement NFL’s biggest offseason event, the NFL Draft which airs on Thursday, April 27th. This offer will run from 4/25/23 - 5/9/23.. We’re able to do our part and support our partners at YouTube while bringing more One-Google experiences to our users. We have a comprehensive TV strategy to better support our NFL fans on TV this year and beyond.
Free Ad-Supported TV (FAST) channels are one of the largest monetization opportunities for the TV team. This launch marks a major step forward in laying the foundation for an engaging built-in FAST experience that will drive watchtime and ad revenue for Google’s TV business – while also bringing the largest selection of free streaming channels to GTV users – more than 2x any other platform. xFN/xPA scope highlights: Metadata feed generation and alerting, UMP feed ingestion & reconciliation, video stream integration, Video player implementation + browsing features, ad experiences, New/updated instream ad inventory/revenue sharing deals, UMP integration of 4 new Live feeds and FAST channel de-duping, Education features incl. FC banners (direct-to-Freeplay), live tab banner, and new standalone banner and awareness tour,
A topic page experience that uses data from Google TV and Google Search to bring together a collection of movies, shows, YouTube videos, music that shaped the world in 2022. Users can visit the “Best of” topic page on GTV living room devices and in the GTV mobile app for 8 rows of content that summarize the year (see below). The experience will be available in the US, JP, AU, and IN. A topic page entered via an in-row banner (or FC on mobile). We created an impactful and engaging experience, the UX team utilized the special treatments built into the custom content cards visual element in several of our collections - allowing us to add further context and meta data to the content in the experience
With the greater real estate offered by the Topic page, we will grow our collections, allowing us to go deep on the year’s Best of across a number of media types
Product Technician (Engineering)

Backend, front end, testing, and QA of workflows and efficiencies.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Carol-Marie Sneed
Product Technician Mountain View, CA