I cut the basic shape from polyurethane foam them I carved it into the final shape that I wanted.
To finish the project I used spray paint but I had to apply several different surface finishing techniques to get the model as close to the original as possible. The main body of the gun was plastic with a slight pitting so I left the pitted surface of the foam to represent that. The side grip was also made from plastic except it was wavier and more pitted then the body. To represent this I masked of the area and put on a thick layer of polyfiller, I let the polyfiller half dry then I dabbed it with rough sandpaper this gave it 3D ridges. The top slide in reality is made of a dull metal so it was very smooth and matt. To represent this applied thin layers of polyfiller and sanded them smooth before spraying the whole thing a matt black. The comparision image shows how the model (bottom) compares to the real thing (top)
Model Making

This contains images showing some of my skills when it comes to making realistic looking block models

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Conor Bennett
Product Design Graduate, Freelance Designer Dublin, Ireland