New emergency entrance with stone seat walls and landscaping.
Street side landscaping.
Shady courtyard oasis with stone seat wall and curving stair.
Bio retention areas for parking lot run off designed with the civil engineer.
Bio swales for parking lot runoff designed with the civil engineer.
Beth Israel Deaconess Planting Plan.
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Beth Israel Deaconess Court Yard Planting Plan
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Beth Isreal Deaconess Hospital Needham, MA

A new building by Steffian Bradley Architects for Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital that incorporated a new front entry and emergency entry. We designed sitewalls, a sunken courtyard, parking screening, and bio swales in the parking lot.
Jim Heroiux was Principal in charge of this project and site designer. I was project manager for this project and drew all drawings, 90% of the details, team coordination, CA,, utility coordination, and shop drawings.

Chris J. Machold
Landscape Architect Chelmsford, MA