Form Development final - Technical Ice Tool Was focused on the form and design of the shaft/ handle. Fiberglass mold and part.
Assignment: Create a 2 part mold with a common object, then transform it into a movie prop in 2 weeks. The base object was a handheld radio. The legs were entirely scratch built with metal tubing and instacast scraps. The shoulder pads came off of a Shimano Road shifters. The arms and weapons were mostly scratch built. Colors were celebratory of the Giant's 2010 World Series Win. Total height is about 8".
Model Making 1 Final "Deco Teapot" Urethane foam model, vacuum form mold, polyurethane resin cast
Model Making 1 Final "Deco Teapot" Urethane foam model, vacuum form mold, polyurethane resin cast
Model Making 3 - Midterm Polymer Double Wobbler Compressed Air Engine Delrin, Polyurethane Resin, Aluminum, Acrylic
A 4 cylinder compressed air engine that was inspired by a boxer engine. Air distribution was handled by a rotary valve. Finished in 6 weeks with a partner.
A 4 cylinder compressed air engine that was inspired by a boxer engine. Air distribution was handled by a rotary valve. Finished in 6 weeks with a partner.
Physical Modeling

Physical model making work

Cody Blank
Footwear Designer at The North Face San Francisco, CA