Hero Image of the project and workbook
Copy-Paste the following URL into a browser to access the full concept development map: https://www.figma.com/file/GJ4pZFTDZFoaBWyAVQ4G9T/Concept-Development-Map?type=whiteboard&node-id=0-1&t=i7RlbrTBpJcUjbap-0
Early concept sketch of a possible version of the game (Whack-a-know-you)
Early prototype of one of the game modes (TheMoreYouKnow)
Early prototype of one of the game modes (TheMoreYouKnow)
Physical model and prototype of the QuestToDareMe die
Screenshot of wireframes belonging to the Figma prototype
Copy-paste the following URL into a browser to play the Figma prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/8tZtoZGNvMxDR7ZMpRyEr3/QuestToDareMe-%26-VisionOS?page-id=201%3A3414&type=design&node-id=201-3663&viewport=763%2C48%2C0.05&t=IETWb3JJfHJ4A8Ng-1&scaling=min-zoom
See: End of YouTube video further down for working Bezi Prototype. IMPORTANT: Links to Bezi Prototypes have become temporarily unavailable due to technical issues with the platform. Many apologies for the inconvenience.
See: End of YouTube video further down for working Bezi Prototype. IMPORTANT: Links to Bezi Prototypes have become temporarily unavailable due to technical issues with the platform. Many apologies for the inconvenience.
Video Walkthrough of the various prototypes and their functions
Live Action of the Dare or Dance feature of "QuestToDareMe", where the person decided to dance rather than carry out the dare
Detailed game explanation/instructions for the user testing survey
Conclusions drawn from user testing of Figma and Bezel prototypes
Conclusions drawn from user testing of Figma and Bezel prototypes
Final A3 boards for the exibition, featuring the project and design process