Brochures - I was hired by Puridiom to give their product brochures a much needed facelift. The new designs sport a cleaner, modern layout, an updated color scheme with each service being assigned its own color as well as new custom flowcharts to show their process. The redesign serves to help Puridiom's marketing efforts by putting forth a far more professional presentation to current and potential future customers.
Tin Packaging - We could have easily gone with the same old cardboard package design but decided to do something a bit better. This memorable tin packaging for Advantica software contains a cd in a custom sleeve along with instructional inserts.
Trade show displays - Using established brand imagery and color palette, these displays help attract attention in crowded trade show floor rooms and are easy to read for passersby with clean, uncluttered design.
Carlisle Theatre program - Design and layout for the Carlisle Theatre program.
Photo booth instructional manual - Instructional poster designed to look like an airline safety manual. Complete with black and white line art, the poster has step by step instructions for using the photo booth as well as samples of poses that people can try.
Print Design / Collateral Materials
Marco Echevarria
Graphic Designer and illustrator Avery, TX