Steppin' to SF State (Front) - Print. Dimensions: 6" x 4" SF Promise, an organization at San Francisco State that provides college outreach to middle and high school students, was holding a conference at SF State to promote the benefits of higher education. The client wanted a postcard that was colorful and would appeal to middle school students. I wanted to relate the postcard to the event title somehow. The falling leaves represent students taking steps to college, and in this case, towards the Student Center at SF State.
Steppin' to SF State (Back) - Print. Dimensions: 6" x 4" SF Promise, an organization at San Francisco State that provides college outreach to middle and high school students, was holding a conference at SF State to promote the benefits of higher education. The client wanted a postcard that was colorful and would appeal to middle school students.
3 Steps to Stay in the Bay (Front) - Print. Dimensions: 7" x 5" This postcard was created to inform San Francisco State University (SF State) applicants of the steps they needed to take after completing their application. The client wanted an urban feel that really showcased the locale of the university. Purple and gold are the school's colors, so they were chosen for the postcard design to reinforce the school's brand.
3 Steps to Stay in the Bay (Back) - Print. Dimensions: 7" x 5" This postcard was created to inform San Francisco State University (SF State) applicants of the steps they needed to take after completing their application. The client wanted an urban feel that really showcased the locale of the university. Purple and gold are the school's colors, so they were chosen for the postcard design to reinforce the school's brand.
Ready for College? - Print. Dimensions: 6" x 4" This postcard was designed for high school students in the San Francisco Unified School District, reminding them of the minimum eligibility requirements to get into a CSU or UC. I chose to design the postcard with an urban flair so it would appeal to the high school student demographic.
San Francisco Promise // PRINT
Bryan Lee
Graphic Designer San Francisco, CA