if six was 9 - Studio: HBEER 2 (House Boats to Energy Efficient Residences) The Studio was developed to help the faltering houseboat industry in eastern Kentucky, UK college of design was called upon to develop a livable unit that can be built in a converted houseboat factory. Creating jobs and to boost the economy.
if six was 9 - We have designed a multi-use, multi-family shared cost living facility that brings forward a new type of living. Lifting the modular residential units on a plinth, and putting them under a large gable roof creates an interstitial space between interior and exterior.
HBEER2 - Sustainable design was a driver for the overall design of the building. With elements like a green community garden on the plinth, green wall trellis, a large gable roof to reduce heat load and to create summer ventilation as well as rain water collection. Steel was used as structure which is recyclable and thus sustainable.
if six was 9 - Sustainable design was a driver for the overall design of the building. With elements like a green community garden on the plinth, green wall trellis, a large gable roof to reduce heat load and to create summer ventilation as well as rain water collection. Steel was used as structure which is recyclable and thus sustainable.
if six was 9
if six was 9 - We have designed a multi-use, multi-family shared cost living facility that brings forward a new type of living. Lifting the modular residential units on a plinth, and putting them under a large gable roof creates an interstitial space between interior and exterior.
if six was 9 - We have designed a multi-use, multi-family shared cost living facility that brings forward a new type of living. Lifting the modular residential units on a plinth, and putting them under a large gable roof creates an interstitial space between interior and exterior.
if six was 9 - We have designed a multi-use, multi-family shared cost living facility that brings forward a new type of living. Lifting the modular residential units on a plinth, and putting them under a large gable roof creates an interstitial space between interior and exterior.
if six was 9 - We have designed a multi-use, multi-family shared cost living facility that brings forward a new type of living. Lifting the modular residential units on a plinth, and putting them under a large gable roof creates an interstitial space between interior and exterior.
if six was 9
Brendan Corcoran
Architectural Intern Lexington, KY