Paper Map Original Iteration of the Level
Final Iteration Paper Map
Tilted Side View
Section 1.1 - Introduce the Goal to the player and attempt guide the player to go left to reach goal.
Section 1.2 - Teach the players the jump mechanic
Section 1.3 - Fail safe to help players to recover if they make a mistake while learning the jump mechanic.
Section 2.0 - Introduce ladder and push/pull box to players.
Section 3.1 - Test the player to see if they know how to jump and climb ladders. Also hints to the player where the player should go next.
Section 3.2 - Show players the optimal path once they have completed the jump ladder challenge and climbed to the top. One more time test the player to see if they learned how to use a Push/Pull box.
Section 3.3 - Give a second chance to players if they make a mistake.
Section 4.1 - Teach players that jumping on push/pull boxes can help you progress through the level
Section 5.0 - Jumping Challenge and hinting next step to beat the level
Section 6.1 - Test players on how to use Push/Pull Boxes.
Section 6.2 - Final Test of player's knowledge of mechanics.
Section 7.0 - Show off to the player what they have accomplished before moving on to the next level.
Level Design Project

This is a sample of class work I have done for Level Design. This is being used primarily to show that I have experience with three dimensional levels and I can redesign a level after critiques.

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Brandon Blakemore
Student Game Developer Dallas, TX