The challenge was to re-design the Happy Meal and the toy that comes with it. So I designed a musical toy that bio-degrades after 6 months if left outside. This and the quality of teaching children music make it a more effective and responsible toy!!!!!! Music Matters
My process began with evaluating issues that plague education. The removal of music from schools is such an issue; I wanted to design a device that would, at an early age, introduce music to children sparking in them a desire to pursue it regardless of its presence in school systems. Branding music with McDonalds came about as a result of reality. it is a brand that is very visible within the lives of children and that should be seen as an advantage instead of a flaw.
Most of my form inspiration came from artist like Jean-Michel Basquiat, Jacob Lawrence and Henri Matisse. I chose these artists because their work has an elemental quality to it that I wanted my objects to embody.
Each toy would function like a Pan-Flute. The child would blow into one of the Music Monster's legs and generate a different note. If joined by friends an entire Music Monster Orchestra could be formed!
Each happy Meal Box would contain a template that could be turned into a "home" for each Music Monster. The template would also come with a song sheet, with chords and music for children to play. Once satisfied with the toy it can be composted and re-introduced to nature.
The challenge was to re-design the Happy Meal and the toy that comes with it. So I designed a musical toy that bio-degrades after 6 months if left outside. This and the quality of teaching children music make it a more effective and responsible toy!!!!!! Music Matters
The Musicals

McDonalds Happy Meal: re-Design