Piranha Airship Company

I engineered, designed and manufactured the "Stunt Blimp" and the only rubber band powered blimp. For these products I completed all the engineering, prototyping and graphics. These balloon-based products were successfully marketed in the toy, hobby, promotional, and message balloon industries. I also designed and built a balloon-forming machine and manufacturing fixtures that enabled efficient assembly. Key customers included Rhizome Design, the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, Goodrich Aerospace, QFC, and Thriftway.

The products were featured on
Northwest Afternoon, the
Discovery Channel’s s Extreme Machines,
and on the front-page of the Seattle Times “Patently Creative”. They were also featured at the Hewlett-Packard Science Fair, McMinnville Oregon.

Freelance, Full-time
Brad Larsen
BLD Design & Manufactuing Limited Hong Kong, Hong Kong