Let me take you to a little journey on how everything started... After building a user profile and a short cooking record illustrated with photos I realized that one of the biggest frustrations in the process of cooking is the cooking odour.
In the process of cooking the actual odour comes from fast particle spreading passively from a high concentration to a low concentration of air. This chemical reaction is called gas diffusion. At boiling point chemically viewed when a liquid is heated, its particles get more energy and move faster. This makes the liquid expand. At the boiling point, the particles get enough energy to overcome the forces between them. They break away to form a gas. The Diffusion process is faster in hot gases.
According to Chartered Institute of Environment Health the strong offensive odour can cause big impact on people’s lives and well being. Research group from University of California found that people from different continents have the same perception for pleasant odour. In their experiment were included Chinese, Africans and Indians which found certain odours as pleasant. Even we are shaped by our culture and traditions, the odour perception has a component that is chemically fundamental for everybody. The expiriment‘s result shown that olfactory receptor neurons in the human nose recognise equally the pleasant and the unpleasant odours. After all sulphur and methane are the same for every living being.
The product user could be everyone who lives in small apartment or flat. Very often kithens in such places are not well ventilated. I have chosen to buid a profile of people which most often live in such places. An ‘aura’ type diagram which you can see on the next page is a very effective approach for understanding the user needs. I tried to be very precise on the audience analysis so I based the user on a one real person, which represnt segment of the society.
Even the modern physics theories support the belief that particles move randomly. I believe that we can prevent odour spreading because we are aware of the source. Vaporizing is related to swirling movement to hot air masses. So if we add a component which neutralizes odour and moisture exactly in the moment of formation of these hot masses we would make cooking more pleasurable. In this respect a ioniser placed on the right spot could fulfill the task.

Odour transformer is a portable device for filtering the kitchen odour and moisture. These functions are accomplished through a water vapour sorbents, oil filter and an ioniser. The latter represents a device which uses high voltage to ionise air molecules. Releasing negative ions traps the airborne particles and reduces the odour, spreading bacteria and mould.

Radoslav Bozhinov
Freelance Designer at Momentum Business Development Ltd London, United Kingdom