3 Irish Open 2010
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3 Irish Open 2010
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Kerrygold Dublin Horse Show - I was very proud to design this logo - partly because I had grown up right next to the showgrounds and because 'The Horse Show' had always been part of my life. I remember researching horse shapes in the wonderful RDS library, to make sure we used the right type of Irish horse. Sorry about the quality of this image (you have to take what record you can) - it's on newsprint and you can see some showthrough from a Marlboro ad on the other side.
Today FM "Join Ray" - TV commercial to promote the Ray D'Arcy Show on Today FM starring Ray, his on-air team and listeners. Directed by Brian O'Malley @ Redragefilms.com
L'Italiana in Algeri - This is the very first image I produced for Opera Ireland (then DGOS). It was actually also to be used on a poster for both operas of that season L'Italiana in Algeri and Die Fledermaus. The model was German - chosen for her very long neck. The photographer was Tony Higgins.
Die Fledermaus - This image was used on the programme cover for Die Fledermaus in 1992. It was the second one I ever did, and the first of many photographed by Kevin Dunne. The really expensive watch was borrowed from Weirs in Grafton Street, Dublin. I very much enjoyed doing the opera work because it generally meant digesting a couple of hours of opera and distilling it into one image.
Lakmé - Budgets were tight in 1993. We couldn't afford a model for this opera which was set in India, so we bought some fancy material from a stall in Georges Street Arcade. Photographed by Stuart Smyth in a house on Dalkey.
La Boheme - Illustrated by an American, who's name I can't remember who had moved from New York to Northern Ireland. One of the best bits was when watching the opera - just as Mimi died and her arm fell slack, I heard an old woman behind me whisper to her friend "There's the hand!!".
Madame Butterfly - Coincidentally, I'm listening to Cio Cio San as I upload this. Illustration I think by Jacques Teljour in Art Direction, Dublin.
Walkers Taste Challenge - 48 sheet poster for Walkers, following Walkers taste tests in Cork. Seán Óg Ó hAilpín photographed by Kevin Dunne - where else but in Páirc Uí Chaoimh (because it was handy for Seán Óg). A very pleasant shoot, assisted by Stuart Smyth - seen here lining up the shot.
Walkers Taste Challenge - 48 sheet poster for Walkers, following Walkers taste tests in Cork. Seán Óg Ó hAilpín photographed by Kevin Dunne - where else but in Páirc Uí Chaoimh (because it was handy for Seán Óg). A very pleasant shoot, assisted by Stuart Smyth - seen here lining up the shot.
D.O.E. anti-litter outdoor - Three from a campaign for the Department Of the Environment to discourage littering. Photographed by Kevin Dunne. Models (in the umbrella poster): me and young Billy Barnes,
D.O.E. anti-litter outdoor - Three from a campaign for the Department Of the Environment to discourage littering. Photographed by Kevin Dunne. Models (in the umbrella poster): me and young Billy Barnes,
D.O.E. anti-litter outdoor - Three from a campaign for the Department Of the Environment to discourage littering. Photographed by Kevin Dunne. Models (in the umbrella poster): me and young Billy Barnes,
Harp Ice Cold - Outdoor poster work to highlight the new "below freezing" dispensing system for Harp Ice Cold in Northern Ireland. Beer photo by Simon Burch.
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Guinness community project
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Guinness community project
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Guinness Cork Jazz outdoor
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Wolf Blass - Seven Deadly Sins
Wolf Blass - Seven Deadly Sins
Wolf Blass - Seven Deadly Sins
Wolf Blass - Seven Deadly Sins
Wolf Blass - Seven Deadly Sins
Wolf Blass - Seven Deadly Sins
Wolf Blass - Seven Deadly Sins
Book design - Born In Cork
Book design - Born In Cork
Book design - Born In Cork
Book design - Born In Cork
All Work
Bill Hollingsworth
Art Director Dublin, Ireland