Eventbrite listing
Event Welcome Sign
1 ticket was handed out to each attendee for a free hot drink at the event.
1 ticket was handed out to each attendee for a free food item (donuts, other snacks) at the event.
Scavenger Hunt form that was completed by attendees and turned in for a prize.
Pappas Way Boo Bash Event Graphics

Oxford has been hosting free community events at Pappas Way, an outdoor section of a future development site called Reserved Channel Development in Boston.

Most of the people coming to these events are families and young adults, so for Halloween, they hosted Boo Bash, a family friendly event featuring a scavenger hunt, music, free food and drinks and a craft station. To convey the fun, yet spooky vibe of the event, I used cute, textured stock illustrations and font to match.

I created graphics and copy for a distribution email, Eventbrite listing, welcome sign and drink and food tickets.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Becky Ferrel
Senior Graphic Designer & Marketing Strategist Woodbridge, VA