Laerela Saen
Semarel and Laerela - first meeting A scene from my novel. The boy collided with the "light tattoos" girl, and she, with her hood down, stood up with more afraid than him, because she has been revealed.
Character from my novel
Semárel Buren Height: 1,76 meters. Weight: 68 kilograms. Age: 16 years old. Birthday: 15th August. Ethnic group: Caucasian. Semárel is the protagonist from my novel. He is a boy who lives in Basán, his village. Through his father, he has a job in one barber's while he combines it with the studies in the school. Shy and withdrawn, his continuous distractions give him the nickname of 'Swallow', which he hates with aversion. Although, he accepts it because his modest and calm attitude make him reject the conflicts. He is a teenager who hates grow up, who miss his childhood like a time when really he was happy, and who loves astronomy and knowledge.
2013 Logo
Logo 2013
Lel Saen
Aneila Sen
Dárel Saen
Maela Gonen
Ánrel Buren
Énrel Gonen
Maela Buren Height: 1,72 meters. Weight: 65 kilograms. Age: 22 years old. Birthday: 28th December. Ethnic group: Caucasian. With black hair and brown eyes, Maela is a playful young who likes to call herself 'pizpireta' (lively and fashionable). From Basán, she studies Law in the 'Isundol's University'; which is cause of worry in her parents, who have prefered that she stay with theirs in the fields of her home village. Her happy character makes her joker and source of continous mockeries to her loved ones, specially to Semárel, whom call 'little brother'.
Naila Buren With chestnut hair and brown eyes, Naila is a sensible and responsible girl who does her duties without complain. Solicitous with the others, she has a reserved character that hides an strong temperament if the situation needs. She lives and works with her parents in the fields out of her home village: Basán.
Lieutenant Groel Sen. Height: 1,74 meters. Weight: 80 kilograms. Age: 36 years old. Birthday: 19th March. Ethnic group: Caucasian. With brown eyes and hair, the lieutenant Groel Sen is one of the most prominent figure inside the militar corps: the 'Ise's Guard'. Clever and observer, he makes her duties with diligence. However, he has a character grumpy, unpleasant and surly. Father of a six years old girl, this widower didn't overcome ever his wife's death; nor his father's suicide, a former general, when he still was a child. For this reason, his griefs made him unsociable and alcoholic.
Valayar Character
Valayar sketch
Laerela's anger sketch
Ise's coat of arms
Ise's Flower
Zetania's coat of arms
Zetania flag
Nuenia and Nútelis coats of arms
Empire of Nutelis Flag
Federated States of Nuenia Flag
Zetania's map
Zetelis map
Ise general map
Isún's map
Isuna's map
Isune's map
Ise's general map
Nexo - Semblanzas de Ise

A personal proyect, a trilogy of novels i am writing since five years ago.

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José María de...
Graphic Designer Palencia, Spain