Sìjì connects to your phone with Sìjì App. User can choose different wind locations from the wind library. This wind locations are designed based on observation from the location itself. For example, beach location give strong wind blow from regular direction while meadow location give both soft and strong wind in nature rhythm.
Sìjì fans can be placed in different formation. The wind locations will let users know how to place the different fans. Although the starter pack come with three different size fans, users can buy more fan individually and link them with the existing set up. Sìjì Aero App is an optional app that allow users to create new wind location and program how the fans work together. This create opportunities for people to use Sìjì in creative ways like designers can decorate interior with wind element, artists can create wind sculpture or movie enthusiasms can connect it with home theatre app and turn living room into 4d cinema theatre.
Sìjì was designed to provoke an outdoor feeling. Its shape is inspired by garden sculptures and monuments found in outdoor landscape. This minimal shape is in fact a functional silo where a fan blade is located at the base and pumps air vertically through the outlet. Sìjì is a very simple device made by connecting existing technologies creatively.
The materials were carefully selected to give the outdoor sculpture look but yet feel domestic in interior. These materials are very environmental friendly like cork, natural fibre and recycled plastic. Ultimately our design goal is to make user realise how unique the nature is, how it affect us subconsciously, and what we can do to protect it.

Table fans create consistent wind and can be very irritating. Some people turn swing function on, some keep switching on and off and some even have to turn it completely off in order to focus. So we tasked ourself to create a better fan that produce less irritating wind and come up with Sìjì, a multi-fans system that create natural wind.

In nature, wind doesn't blow consistently. It blows from different directions with different speeds and intervals. Sìjì fans are connected together wirelessly and work together to produce these wind's characteristics. Sìjì does not produce wind in random but instead it is programmed to simulate wind patterns similar to different outdoor environments like beach and field. This make users feel like they are in the outdoor nature.

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Siriphong Roongruengvuthikul
Industrial & Automotive Designer London, United Kingdom