Luxury Jet Galley - Re-design of a galley interior, working in conjunction with a luxury jet manufacturer.
Component Sketches - Re-design of a galley interior, working in conjunction with a luxury jet manufacturer. These sketches show various solutions to problems encountered during research, including, but not limited to: space saving, weight issues, appliance needs, and aesthetic appeal.
Style Options and Layouts - Using a bottom-up approach, each component was grouped (based on functionality) into various style options. These layouts were presented to the engineers for assessment and review. A final design option would emerge, following several revisions.
Design Iterations - Full-scale cardboard mock-up generated to realize actual proportions and make adjustments. Final design iterations created to determine overall aesthetic. Material swatches to follow.
Final Mock-Up - Re-design of a galley interior, working in conjunction with a luxury jet manufacturer. Mock-up is scaled 1:1
Luxury Jet Galley
Alan Atwood
Design Manager Los Angeles, CA