Camp Fun T-Shirt for Tee Lake Resort - Tee Lake Resort, a vacation rental in Lewiston, Michigan, needed a t-shirt to reflect a youthful feel of summer camp on a lake.
Candy House - Illustrated by Andy Bauer
Candy House Interior - Illustrated by Andy Bauer
Winter Homes - Illustrated by Andy Bauer
Trunk Bay - Vector Graphic Created in Flash
Monsters - Haunted House
Univeral Studios - Package Pickup
Tropical Trance
Lovely Idea
Mission Impossible
Hollywood - Illustrated by Andy Bauer
Castle - Illustrated by Andy Bauer
Penguins - Illustrated by Andy Bauer
Asia Inspired - Illustrated by Andy Bauer
Fourth of July - Illustrated by Andy Bauer
Wedding Background - Illustrated by Andy Bauer
Tunnel of Love - Illustrated by Andy Bauer
Luck - Illustrated by Andy Bauer
Row of Houses - Illustrated by Andy Bauer
Chess Champion - Illustrated by Andy Bauer
Christmas Border - Illustrated by Andy Bauer
Arizona Sticker Backgrounds - Illustrated by Andy Bauer
Bruno & Boss - Illustrated by Andy Bauer
Background Design
Andy Bauer
Illustrator & Flash Animator Orlando, FL