KOLDINGHUS EXHIBIT 2011 - An exhibition about Ole Lund Kirkegaard and his universe at the Koldinghus museum in Denmark. Created while working at Bureau Detours http://www.detours.biz/
KOLDINGHUS EXHIBIT 2011 - An exhibition about Ole Lund Kirkegaard and his universe at the Koldinghus museum in Denmark. Created while working at Bureau Detours http://www.detours.biz/
KOLDINGHUS EXHIBIT 2011 - An exhibition about Ole Lund Kirkegaard and his universe at the Koldinghus museum in Denmark. Created while working at Bureau Detours http://www.detours.biz/
KOLDINGHUS EXHIBIT 2011 - An exhibition about Ole Lund Kirkegaard and his universe at the Koldinghus museum in Denmark. Created while working at Bureau Detours http://www.detours.biz/
KOLDINGHUS EXHIBIT 2011 - An exhibition about Ole Lund Kirkegaard and his universe at the Koldinghus museum in Denmark. Created while working at Bureau Detours http://www.detours.biz/

An exhibition about Ole Lund Kirkegaard and his universe at the Koldinghus museum in Denmark. Created while working at Bureau Detours http://www.detours.biz/

Archi Guru
ArchiGuru Ciudad de México, Mexico