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Greenhouse gas emissions increased by a record amount last year, to the highest carbon output in history, putting hopes of holding global warming to safe levels all but out of reach. The atmospheric concentration of CO2 as of July 2012 is 394.49 ppm. In this project, a carbon scrubbing machine and system ‘Carbofoot’ has been developed which is designed to eliminate carbon dioxide from the atmosphere using kinetic energy of human beings. The project speculatively explores the impact of such a product on society if used as a mandatory government policy for reducing carbon emissions and modifying consumption patterns of the human species. Thus, this project enables to create and project an era in which eliminating carbon emissions is the priority and need of the day and the kind of lifestyle and routine an individual might follow and the resulting products that might emerge in this period ‘The Carbon Scrubbing Era.’

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Anuja Borker
Multidisciplinary Designer London, United Kingdom