Time - This is one of few conceptual works I had for school assignment. The assignment was to create a poster for Fur free Alliance, an international coalition of over 35 animal protection organizations working to bring an end to the exploitation and killing of animals for their fur. More details can be viewed at http://shkaro.deviantart.com/art/Time-kills-115164488.
Reset the time - This is one of few conceptual works I had for school assignment. The assignment was to create a poster for Fur free Alliance, an international coalition of over 35 animal protection organizations working to bring an end to the exploitation and killing of animals for their fur. I was trying to emphasize the number of animals killed literally by the second using results of the statistics we were able to use.
PostIT against fur - This is one of few conceptual works I had for school assignment. The assignment was to create a poster for Fur free Alliance, an international coalition of over 35 animal protection organizations working to bring an end to the exploitation and killing of animals for their fur. This one is pretty simple. It is what you see, or better, what you don't see ;)
Game over - This is one of few conceptual works I had for school assignment. The assignment was to create a poster for Fur free Alliance, an international coalition of over 35 animal protection organizations working to bring an end to the exploitation and killing of animals for their fur. This one has a slightly different approach. In it's core it's very brutal with a strong message but still acceptable to the common viewer.
Fur Free Alliance
Antonio Brezina
Graphic designer Zagreb, Croatia