CaniTrail - Cãominhada Vale do Leça CaniTrail - Cãominhada Vale do Leça from Antónia Guerra CaniTrail - Cãominhada Vale do Leça CaniTrail event from União de Freguesias de Custóias, Guifões e Leça do Balio: original logo and communication art Flyer Poster of the event Badge of the event Staff badge Dorsal Facebook banner Facebook banner Facebook teaser Facebook teaser Facebook teaser Facebook teaser Printed Canvas for podium, photo ballons in pvc, and official t-shirt gLike CaniTrail - Cãominhada Vale do Leça CaniTrail event from União de Freguesias de Custóias, Guifões e Leça do Balio: original logo and communication art Account Management Creative Direction Share R 7 n Available Freelance Antónia Guerra Graphic and Communication Designer Porto, Portugal Follow Contact